Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Poor Addie!

While camping at The Jump for Easter we had to put all of the dogs in Cale’s truck because someone was riding by on a horse. (We had more dogs in camp than children lol!) It was really funny because all the big dogs just jumped out as soon as my mom walked away, but poor Addie (Cydnee’s miniature schnauzer) was the only one that couldn’t get out. It was funny seeing her peek over the side of the truck.


  1. Hey Carli!
    This is Shawndra :) Your mom gave me your blog addy to look at. Mine is private, so if you wanna look at my family ect email me at and give me your email on there and i'll add you to it! It was good just seeing pics and stuff of you! :) xo

  2. Aww your little dog is so cute!! I am so glad that you have a blog, I am on here alor lol. How have things been going for you guys?!

  3. CARLI!!!! Dude...what's goin on? It's been so long sine I have seen ya - well, last 4th of July. I was talkin about you the other day with Gina Graham (gina miller). What are the odds huh? How is everything goin?

  4. Hey Carli, Was so excited when Ceresa let me know you had a blog. Just love to read and keep in touch with friends (or should I say soon to be family)!!! And I always love to add new bloggers to my list.
