Tuesday, February 16, 2010

1st Day of Church

I need to say thank you for all of the well wishes and advise that you have given me! Life with a newborn is getting a little bit easier. She still isn’t sleeping that great at night but my mom has been helping me with her while I am student teaching and we are working on getting her nights and days straitened out.

Abi is growing like a weed! I had her weighed at the Dr’s office last week and she weighed 10 pounds 8 ounces and today (one week later) she weighs 11 pounds 6 ounces! She gained almost a whole pound in one week! It is amazing how she is growing and changing every day.

We took her to church for the first time this week and she was so good. I think that our little family looks pretty good in our Sunday best!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Being a Mom

I just have to say that I am amazed by every mother in the world who gets anything done with a baby! I love being a mom and Abi is the best baby ever but it is so much work! She hasn’t learned that night time is for sleeping and day time is when she should be awake. We have tried everything to help her get things straightened out but it doesn’t seem to be working. I am hoping that I can master doing things with one hand.
I love to hold her and snuggle her up to me. She is starting to grin when we talk to her. She is growing like a weed! My Dr. asked me if I was feeding her cream! Lol!
I have had some complications with my c-section healing but I am happy to say that I am on the mend. My Dr. said that I am his favorite patient. I’m sure this is because I am making his house payment with all of my complications! lol
I started student teaching last week and even though I am so grateful for my placement at Cleveland Elementary and with Mrs. Sitterud, it is a lot of work. I have the greatest family that is helping me with Abi while I try and finish this last semester of school.
I am going to post some pictures of Abi as soon as I can. Thanks to everyone who left such sweet comments on my last post. We have received so many wonderful baby gifts and love from everyone. I am so grateful to live in this area with our wonderful families so close.