Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Class for the week of July 7th

In class this week we looked into the credibility of a web site. I used a form from http://school.discoveryeducation.com/schrockguide/evalelem.html to evaluate some educational web sites. It was interesting to see what makes a good web site and some of the ways you can tell if it is credible. This was an interesting thing to do and I found some great web sites that can be used in my future classroom.


  1. Hey congrats on the pregnancy!! How exciting for you guys!!! I'm glad I found your blog through the website, make sure to type up a info thing that we can put up on the blog!!

  2. Hey Carli, I learned so much from the class on evaluating websites. I never realized how much wrong or misleading info could be on them. I am glad we were able to discuss this topic. Hopefully as educators we will better assess websites from here on out.
