Monday, August 31, 2009

Back to School!

Well it’s back to school time and I don’t know if I will survive! I started back last week and it is pretty overwhelming. Between the six classes I’m in and training a new person at work it’s a lot. I am getting excited to be done working. I have worked for the last five and a half years at Dr. Heiner’s office and think it’s time to move on. Just being a full time student is going to be a change for me because I have been working full time for the last two years while attending school. Brian is getting busy with his taxidermy shop. He has had a few things brought in that will keep him pretty busy throughout the winter. We are both trying to stay afloat with all that is going on. Hopefully things will run smoother with school and being done with working will come soon.


  1. the heck are ya? Congrats on the baby!


  2. Sounds like you are crazy busy! Take care of yourself! Are you going to find out what the gender of your baby is? When do you find out?
